Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's All About Character!

We have been reading books in class for our new writing program, Writing Fundamentals. Some of the books we have read are The Old Woman Who Named Things, Shrek!, "Let's Get a Pup!" Said Kate, and Charlie Anderson. We have been discussing how it is important that the author creates characters that keep the audience interested in reading the book. I would love to hear which one of these books were your favorite AND which character interested you the most in the book. Tell me what made that character so interesting to you. What or who do you think inspired the author to create that character? I will share my opinions at the end of this week! : )

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day! Snow Day!

Hello boys and girls! Well, can you believe it? We got a snow day today! I hope that you are making use of this extra day off! Be sure to do some reading and practice your math. I just heard on the news that the NYS Math test will now be Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. So we will still have tomorrow to practice and prepare! Be sure to drill your multiplication facts. If you can, maybe try to get some Acuity Math assignments done too! I am going to update the class website with the same information then it is off to try and shovel my house our of the 12 inches of snow!!!!!

I will see you all tomorrow! Please be careful getting to school tomorrow!

Our Classroom Library

Our Classroom Library