Can you believe that it was only nine months ago that you all entered my classroom as new fourth graders? Now, we are preparing to send you up to the fifth grade! I cannot believe how fast the time went! I am very proud of how you have grown over this school year.
We are talking about memoirs in writing and reading many different memoir stories. I would like to have you share some of your happy school memories on the blog. It can be of fourth grade or any grade. It can be a project, a teacher, or a book.
I think my favorite memory has got to be the picture book writing celebrations. I really enjoyed seeing you all read the books you worked so hard on to your reading buddies in the lower grades. I was so proud of all that hard work you did to accomplish those amazing books.
So, post your comments, share your memories.
Monday, June 1, 2009
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HI Ms.Brown. I loved a lot of things in 4th grade. One of them is when Ms.Paupi came. It was fun making that huge card and little cards. Then we surprised her.It was like you both teamd up TO TEACH!!!Another one was when the parents came .Everyone that read was great.Alisa,Taruna'Aaron,Dylan'Loc-han,etc.I loved the way Jason read with expression.I liked reading to other classes all though I was shy It was nice of Ms.Sileo & Ms. Sculco.I liked it to when we got to go in the class and eat lunch. Don't forget when you ate lunch with us at a half a day and you saw Justin Q's big oreo.I also loved the parties.bUT SOME of these things we couldn't do without you!Thank you so much!I think your the best teacher ever!!!!I'll miss you a lot more than anybody:.)
Hi Ms.Brown
How r u. Well my favorite memory in fourth grade is when we did our picture books. It was a little hard because we had to write a draft,then u edited it for us, then we typed it. I was a little nervous because I thought I might accedentily make a little bit of rubber sament fall onto the book and it will make a mess. I did have a few problems but you fixed it. And with you there nothing will go wrong.
- Josh
Hey Ms.Brown I miss you.It is just one day.I will hope to see you on the first day of school. And thank you for giving me the wonderful school year even if the boys were talking most of the time but it was fun. I wish that the Nicoles and Siran could be in my class but it was for the best right? You are the best.But I will really miss everyone even the really talkitve boys.I want you to be my teacher every year. And all the kids in our class in 4th grade and some more kids will be just right. Only if the boys will be quite for once.Like how you used to say if you can shrink us and take you with you that is how i feel too. I will miss all my friends and you even ttyl (AKA) talk to you later. I can't explain how i feel.A little sad and a little happy but are really excited to have Mrs.Detommaso next year. You are wonderful thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Amanda Panda
Hi ms.brown.How are you.I'm fine. Thank you fo being the best fourth grade teacher.By the way you might of thought I moved.But not yet.I'm moving the last week of July.I am going to miss you also the whole class.Last year was the funnest year since I MOVED TO NEW YORK.I hope you have a great summer.Good luck next year with your second graders. P.S.-REMEMBER THE CARD I GAVE YOU IT HAD A ADRESS AND PHONE NUMBER - Anjali
Hi Anjali!
Don't worry... I have the card with your new address! I am glad to hear that you had a good year! Remember, that even though you will be in Florida, I am just a blog away! You will have to keep me posted on the books you are reading and what school is like down there! Will you be near the beach or Mickey Mouse? I can't wait to hear all about it!
dear ms.Brown
How are you.I'm fine.I'm really loving florida.But I do miss new york alot. Also on the first day of school i met two girls in my class.But before I moved to new york i lived in florida. So i used to go to groveland elementary school. The two girls that i said looked familar they were in my second grade class at groveland elementary my new school we have the biggest libary.I miss everyone from fourth grade. Like amanda,simran,nicole c,nicoleb,taruna,alisa,and also the rest of the boys. But I don't know when im coming back to new york. ALSO i have the bigest backyard anyone could wis h for. we have one of those elecctric fireplaces.So I hope you have a great school year.
Anjali Beharry
Hi Anjali!
I can't believe that you just posted. I was just thinking about you. I was going through my papers and took out your card! I was wondering how things were going in Florida! I miss you too! I am happy to hear that you reconnected with friends you knew in 2nd grade. I had no doubt you would make new friends and love your new place! The biggest backyard, huh? That sounds pretty amazing! I would love to hear more of how things are and what you are learning about. Send me an email to to keep me posted that way I can email you back and fill you in!!!!
Hi Ms brown
Could u tell amanda to give me her e-mail adress.So i could e-mail her.
Anjali Beharry
Sure Anjali! I will talk to Amanda on Monday and ask her! Don't forget to email me too! :O
Have a great weekend!
Ms. brown
I was wondering that if you got Amanda's e-mail adress. Also I have the state test over here. It starts from March 9th -March 17th. I have 2 days math , one day reading. Also two days of science. Best of all the tests weren't that hard.Also we get to go outside on F-cat days. Did I mention that the states test is called the"F-cat". Also my dad says that if we get a good grade i will get a suprise.
Dear ms. brown,
How are you? I'm fine. Now I'm in 6th grade. It's really hard but I only got one c and all A's and B's. Guess what I got for Christmas a puppy. His name is lucky. He's really fast. I have so much to tell you. For my fifth grade graduation we had it at a church. It was really fun. I got the presidential award.If I continue to get a presidential award in middle school and high school I could get a scholar ship. In September I came to New york. My little cousin died. She started vomiting and my aunt took her to the hospital, they injected her with medicine and she went into cardiac arrest. when I was at her house for the wake, two people from ps108 came. It was ms.compton and the lady from the bake sale.I really wanted to see you but I didn't know if the school would allow me to come see you in the middle of the day. Also you know my cousin Abby, when she saw me in new york she was so happy she hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. I really miss everybody but I made a lot of friends. Even one lives two houses down from me. Also for my mom's birthday we got her a scarlet macaw. He's so beautiful. His name is zazoo. The name is from the lion king. Zazoo has all the colors of the rainbow on him. He even has pink. could you tell Amanda hi if you see her.
Anjali Beharry
Hello Anjali!
I am so sorry to hear that the child that had passed away was your cousin! My thoughts and prayers go out to all of your family. What a tragic loss. Is your cousin Abby in my class this year? Because I do have a student who is an Abby. I would have loved to have seen you. I cannot believe that you are in 6th grade already! I am now teaching 2nd grade. I wasn't able to get Amanda's email however, I know her little sister so I can get it for you. Let me give you an email address for you to email me directly.
It is so great to hear from you and how you are doing! I would love to hear back from you soon!
I promise I will work on getting Amanda's email... Just email me through the gmail account because I don't think I should put Amanda's email on the blog for all to see. It will also be easier for us to keep in touch! Keep working hard! Congratulations for getting the presidential award! I am so proud of you!
Dear Ms. Brown,
how are you ms. brown. I am fine.I'm in New york right now. we drove down from Florida. I'm here because my grandpa passed away. My mom is really sad because it is her dad. I am twelve now and I am in seventh grade. I have tons of friends. I'm so not used to this weather. I am in a program called AVID. It helps you get into college. I thought it would be really hard, but it is easy. Anyway how is second grade. I am still wondering if they would let me visit you. Anyway, I took of the wholt week of school for the funeral. So I'm leaving sunday. So coldddddd!!!!!
Anjali Beharry
Hi Anjali,
I would love to see you! You should just try to come to school to visit! I am so sorry about your grandfather. Please send your family my condolences! Send me an email at
I hope to see you!!!!
-Ms. Brown
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